Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Towards the split in the big wagon gate.

Hear is a run down of what as happened as of late.
The Phillies beat my Rays in five games to win the World Series.
Work has picked back up, and I am busy. Now that we have dropped two of our employees during the time that we were slow, things are really hectic.
We had a Reformation party the other night. It was a lot of fun as we played games long into the night. We played a game called "Bulls Eye Washers" which is similar to horse shoes. I bought the game some months ago, which in the end payed dividends as I had practice with the set for some time. There were at least three other people that had played one form or another of the game. But the games they had played were all different enough that I was able to keep my edge in the rounds I played in.
Barrak Obama won the election. This can have several ramifications for third party voter like myself. 1. Democrats hate us for our opposition to them. 2. Republicans hate us for not voting for their liberal candidate McCain. 3. Republicans will learn not to put forward such a liberal candidate, that would compromise our morals to vote for him. And insteed run a man that has real values.
The Republicans had eight years to show us that they were worth our vote. They failed. We lost more rights under Bush then we did under any president dating back to 1860-1865. Then after that what do they do...They run someone else out there that is even more liberal then Bush.
My message to the Republicans. Give us a real candidate that we can vote for with out selling our souls to the devil in four years.
My message to Obama. Hit me with your best shot. You have four years to do your damage, then if the Republicans have learned anything your out! This country, with Gods help, can survive you for four years.
God help us.

Robert L.


Hannah Leigh said...

Amen Robert!!! Bravo!!! Well said!!! :)
Great post about Obama and Republicans.

In Christ,

Marks of Faith said...

May God have mercy on our nation and bring about Reformation the the USA.