The hammer came in first place with 50% of the votes. (4 of 8).
A hammer is used to drive nails into wood. However though this is it's most popular use it is also commonly used for demolition. It is said that if you use more then three strokes with this rugged tool while driving a nail, you are considered a rookie with the hammer.
Screwdriver came in second with 2 votes.
The screwdriver is often used for more then what it was meant for when it was first thought of. Besides the obvious driving of screws, it also is used as a small crowbar. This is a very common use for it now day, because we use drill to drive screws more often then not. Even if we can use a screwdriver.
Tap measure only got one vote.
The tap measure is a tool that cannot be lived with out. Or if it were you would not live very long. There is no end to it's use when it comes to making something straight and square.
The DK1, though not as slick or sharp as her sister the DK6S, she is still a very reliable and easy to use Duct Knife. This one pictured was my first DK and has sense been retired. It is also the only tool pictured here that is really mine. I could not bring my self to post pictures of my real hammer, screwdrivers, or tap measure, for the reason that they are just too ugly. After a year or two of being used, they have become...a little less then stealer.
Robert L.
I like the hammer b/c it is what I use the most around the house. Also, it works great for letting out some frustration on the head of a hapless nail when a project is irritating. There was a time in which I was more of an expert with the I'd be ranked as a ROOKIE for sure!
Yes, the letting out of frustration is one attribute that I failed to mention. But we use a nail gun at work for most of the big stuff, so I really do not use the hammer for it's main purpose.
Robert L.
I like the knife...:D
BTW, I like your new profile picture, it's great!
In Christ,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to vote; I haven't been to your blog in a's been pretty busy over here!
In Christ,
OI! I missed the vote. No prob though. You left out THE BEST TOOL EVER!
Duct tape falls under material, or stock. It would be like staying lumber was a tool. We use duct tape to fasson duct board together. I really cannot not go so far as to say it is a tool.
HAHA! I agree with Toa Furious...Duct Tape most situations....
In Christ,
I love duct tape too. But it is not a tool is my point. There is very few things that can beat three strips of silver tape, backed by three strips of black tape (what most people call duct tape), and all held in place by adhesive spray. No sir there is not a rat in the world that would eat through that.
Robert L.
I love knives!!! Although I'm not aloud to use them very often because I take after my grandpa and I can miss judge how far they are away from my fingers. I just about cut the top of one of them off. 'My Bad' was all I said as I was running to get a towel!
Ouch...Glad you did not hurt your self to bad. My brother has the same problem with cutting him self. But then he also walks around with five knifes in his pocket. But he is not the only one that is a little crazy about knives in the family. I own four DK1s (see picture) and two DK6Ss. Anyway thanks for commenting on my blog.
Robert L.
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