Monday, March 23, 2009

An unclassic finesh.

The Calvary never rode in. Team U.S.A. had their Classic run end last night when they fell in a single elimination game to Japan. Hard fought all the way through the classic they were one of three teams that were left standing when they lost to the defending champions. The next Classic will be held in four years...I am already looking forward to it.

On a further note Japan will match up against Korea in the finals. Which brings me to the quote of the year. "The two greatest rivalries in the World Baseball Classic are, the Japan vs Korea rivalry and the U.S.A. vs the World rivalry."

Robert L.


Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

Maybe next time Josh Hamilton will also play for the US, maybe even get some good pitching from the US.

Robert L. said...

The U.S.A. had good pitchers. The thing is this is spring training, no one was in full form. Anyway we will see how the U.S.A. addresses this problem next time. Maybe getting the players working out a little sooner will help.

Robert L.

Marks of Faith said...

Sorry about the loss Robert. : ( Maybe next time.


Hannah Leigh said...

I've never gotten the point of baseball..........

In Christ,
~Miss Rose

Robert L. said...

Thanks Jenn. Next time I will try to find away onto the team... Then they won't stand a chance! (do not ask who will not be standing the chance...the rest of the teams in the Classic or team U.S.A.)

Rose, I have never gotten the point of pink blogs. So I guess that makes all things equal, right? :)

Eruaphadion said...

"Rose, I have never gotten the point of pink blogs. So I guess that makes all things equal, right? :)" ROFLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

They aren't playing the world classic of ping pong Robert.

Robert L. said...

True...but then you have never seen my curveball have you?

Robert L.

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

I haven't seen your curve Robert, but I've seen your ping pong serve...

Robert L. said...

True...Alright then I will settle for the U.S.A. ping pong team in 2012. But then that should give me time to try and make the World Baseball Classic team in 2013.

Robert L.

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

In the meantime you might want to develop a mid 90s fastball and a change up to go with your curve ball.

Hannah Leigh said...

Yep, makes us equal! :D
(That was pretty good, Robert!)

In Christ,
~Miss Rose

Robert L. said...

Ken, And a splitter that looks just like my changeup till it hits the dirt. *Thinks* That means I am going to have to have a good catcher...How are you at stopping balls in the dirt?

Rose, Thanks I try.

Robert L.

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

Robert you only need a good catcher if you decide to develop a knuckle ball. Come to think of did team USA have a knuckle baller on their pitching staff??

Robert L. said...

No I do not think they did. And I am kind of particular about my catchers. I would never have Derrick Otis as a catcher. He is ball shy, no matter if it is a knuckle ball or any other type. :) But if you feel like your talents as a catcher would be wasted on me if I did not throw a knuckle ball, then I can add that in to my pitch selection, just so it would be worth your time to catch for me. :)

Robert L. #11

Hannah Leigh said...

*sighs* why don't you just do a new post and stop gabbing about baseball! What happened to all of the attic rat stuff???? Those posts suit you WONDERFULLY!

In Christ
~Miss Rose

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

Robert, I tried out for catching in little leaque and they put in me the outfield, so maybe Calvin could catch somthing you throw. So you can have a two seam and four seam fastball,curve, splitter, change up, knuckle, maybe you can throw in a slider

Robert L. said...

Yes I would want to learn as many pitches as I could. As Milo Hamilton would say, "He'll throw everything at you, including the kitchen sink." I heard that a lot when Woody Williams played for Houston.

Robert L.

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

your gonna need a smart catcher to figure out all them signs for all them pitchers. Your also gonna have get a lot stronger to throw the kitchen sink, I'm sure those things weigh a ton.

Robert L. said...

True Ken...Very true.

New post coming soon.

Big-Dog said...

Robert.... Which do you prefer, R6 vegas or GRAW?

Robert L. said...

That is a hard question. I like the game play in and the reality of Vegas, but there are some things in it that I could go with out, I mean they over did it in some regards. I would have to come down on R6's side in the end however.
By the way have you played EndWar yet? It is really good.

Robert L.