Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ping-Pong moved to 21st.

The ping-pong match that I spoke of in my last post has been moved to Tue. of this week. I will post the results of the matches, and give a "short" run down of each game.

Nothing else of interest as of late to report on the blog. Baseball is now in finishing it's second week, with little to report on that side. With such a long season the games right now do not mean a lot to most people. So I will try to avoid mentioning it on the blog for as long as I can.

Robert L.


Big-Dog said...

Good the suspense by not mentioning them (the baseball games).

Robert L. said...

That's the plan.

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

Who won?

Robert L. said...

Well is was postponed again. I guess I will post after it takes place instead of posting updates that I have to retraced in a matter of days.