When I first started college earlier this year it was all new. I was Homeschooled all my life and never had I been a in a class room situation. As a result I scored 89 and 87 on my first two test in HVAC. (one for Basic Electric and one for Refrigeration Principals.) But after that I took off. I have found it much easier now that I have started interacting with my fellow students in lab. At first I just did what I was required to do and left it at that. I soon learned that I am the most experienced tech in both classes, with my 2 1/2 years in the field. There is one guy who has been working longer but with a bigger company, thus he has been over looked as far as training goes. Everything seems easier when you teach others. I was very happy when my instructor appointed me to help him tech the rest of the class in lab. I think it has given me the confidence I needed to focus more on what I am learning, and then teaching in labs. A lot of people seem to think that everything I am helping them with comes from my field work. But I have found that though the work in the field has help me grasp things better, most of what I use to help my classmates I learn from the teacher first. It is odd, like when I was trying to figure out a problem that was not clear to me, and had me scratching my head, a student came up to me and asked the same question that I was having the problem with. When he asked it I came up with the answer right then and there, seemingly without thinking about it. When I had just spent two minutes stumped on the same problems.
Earlier this afternoon I went over to the AC building after finishing my math class and signed up for an EPA exam. While there I got to see the afternoon class (I am in the night class) be tested on the wiring diagrams that we had been working on for the past month. Out of maybe twelve students one failed badly and four barely past. Out of fifteen in my class how took the test later that night everyone did fairly well, save for one guy who was having trouble, but who, I think got a chance to redo it and I believe he past. Which was good because I had been helping him right before class started. I had also helped a guy who was convinced he was going to fail, but with those last five minutes before we headed into the test I was finally able to get the difference between contactors and fan relays and what they were used for to make since to him. He past with a 100. So in a way I fill proud of the people that I have come to view as my students. That we out did the afternoon guys by about 5-1 with D's or worse is something that I fill in someway responsible for. After all, we have the same teacher...the only difference is that my teacher has help in his night class...He goes it alone in his afternoon class.
Robert L.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Oh Rats.
As of two seconds ago I moved all (except my last one) of my "My Life as an Attic Rat" post to another file on my computer and deleted all the old ones from this account. It does not mean that I will stop writing them and posting them, it just means that I will be storing the on my PC now and not on the Blog. Also when I deleted them all of the comments made where lost as well. So I wanted to take this time to thank y'all for 1. Subjecting yourselves to reading them, 2. Commenting on them and re commenting on them again and again, 3. For whatever point I forgot.
So here's to you readers, thanks for everything!
Robert L.
So here's to you readers, thanks for everything!
Robert L.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
College is not what I had expected it to be. Yes it is time consuming but overall it is easy. The Math class could be past by a monkey, the Computer Science is the most time consuming but easy all the same. My Basic Electric for HVAC and Refrigeration Principles are by far the two fun classes that I have. I did not know that the College that I attend is (as some people have said) one of the top five A/C programs in the nation. There is so much to learn from this program it is amazing. I was told (and it was true five years ago) that I would know more then the instructors in some things with my two and a half years in the field. But five years have changed the program. It is amazing now.
As far as other news go, there has been very little else going on. Another date marking that on which I was born has past. I am now considered to be twenty. (What ever "considered" means...I will leave that to you to decide.) I have started reading some books by Tom Clancy. Though I enjoy them I must also say that they are a little rough around the edges, and could do with some editing. I have only read Tom Clancy's EndWar by Michele Davids completely but am almost done with Without Remorse. EndWar not being part of the main line of books in the Clancy Universe I read first as I waited to get the before mentioned Without Remorse which is the first book chronologically. EndWar I enjoyed a lot. It was short but action packed not at all in the style of Tom Clancy though. However I would still recommend younger people asking their parents before reading EndWar or ANY other of Tom Clancy's works. Also if you would like to read EndWar, I would recommend first playing EndWar the game for X-box 360 or PC. The game was made first and has a lot of story line laid down that the book builds on.
Anyway I need to get to bed. I just thought I would update y'all let you know that I did not get to close to a NLE that I would not be returning from. (see last post.)
Robert L.
As far as other news go, there has been very little else going on. Another date marking that on which I was born has past. I am now considered to be twenty. (What ever "considered" means...I will leave that to you to decide.) I have started reading some books by Tom Clancy. Though I enjoy them I must also say that they are a little rough around the edges, and could do with some editing. I have only read Tom Clancy's EndWar by Michele Davids completely but am almost done with Without Remorse. EndWar not being part of the main line of books in the Clancy Universe I read first as I waited to get the before mentioned Without Remorse which is the first book chronologically. EndWar I enjoyed a lot. It was short but action packed not at all in the style of Tom Clancy though. However I would still recommend younger people asking their parents before reading EndWar or ANY other of Tom Clancy's works. Also if you would like to read EndWar, I would recommend first playing EndWar the game for X-box 360 or PC. The game was made first and has a lot of story line laid down that the book builds on.
Anyway I need to get to bed. I just thought I would update y'all let you know that I did not get to close to a NLE that I would not be returning from. (see last post.)
Robert L.
Monday, September 7, 2009
A near life experience.
What is a Near Life Experience (or NLE)? Well it has been defined many different ways. But first we must look at it's better known counterpart Near Death Experience (or NDE). A NDE is when someone comes so close to dieing that, one; they are traumatised to the point that they enjoy the rest of their life a lot more then before. Two: Someone comes so close to dieing that wired things start happening, such as time appears to slow down, and everything is very vivid. Also there is the times when some one dies and before they are revived they see thing, of which I will not get into because it is not important. So besides that last little bit remember what I said about NDE, it will be refer to again.
So then what is NLE? And what are the ways that it has been defined. Here are what a few popular sources had to say on NLE.
1. The GBPT (The Grannies Book of Proper Terms.) A NLE is when someone almost plays that board game where you get married and have kids get jobs and can go to college.
2.From the TBFA. (Terrorist Book of Failed Attempts.) A NALE (a near AFTER life experience) is when you forget to put the detonator on your bomb. Resulting in a NALE and ESAG (Extended Stay At Getmoe*.) (Note: No clue if I spelled that "*" right. I only hope you know what I am talking about.)
3. This one is taken from Pg. 10,347 in the WDPFM (Women's Derogatory Phrases For Men.) "A Near Life Experience occurs when he almost turns off the X-box."
How do I define it you ask? Oh...You did not ask? Well I will tell you anyway. Remember that little spill about NDE? Well bear that in mind for what I am about to tell you.
Have you ever heard it said "To really live you must almost die." The same concept is push forward in a song that goes "Some day I wise you get the chance, to live like you were dieing." Don't ask who wrote it I do not know. It is a country song I think. (where was I...)
Yes, to almost die you must really li...sigh...to really live you must almost die. It is a famous saying so just pretend you know it. So lets go to the old math board shall we...
If this is true that almost dieing produces really living.
AD makes RL
Then we can take our next step. Now let say that AD is equal to a NDE. So...
NDE makes RL.
So now let's add in a "Factor". What if you add a Almost to NDE. That would change things to...
ANDE makes ARL. We can now say that Almost Really Live is equal to Near Life. We can change it to that with out losing context...I think. So...
ANDE makes a NLE. That's Almost Near Death Experience will cause a Near Life Experience.
What do you mean this does not make any sense? Oh...you did not say that either...But you thought it! It will make sense when I apply it to a real word situation. Enter... (bet you did not see this one coming)
So it was a hot summer day...(what other type is there around here) it was a normal summer day for south Texas and I had received a text dispatch from my boss early that morning. "Service Call CR 57, A/C not cooling." Well County Road 57 was right down the street so I went over there right away. Upon getting there I went to work. This was easy to figure out what the problem was. The unit was pulling a zero degrees supper heat. Dirty coil, yes sir. In fact I noted that the condenser coil was dirty to. I sold the job there on the spot and went right to work. After cleaning both coils ( I will not go into what all that Intel's, if you want to know ask me in the comments) I prepared to recharge the system. I opened the first valve. The hiss of the trapped freon racing into the vacuum in the lines met my ears letting me now that very thing was working right so far. I inserted my yellow jacket refrigeration ratchet into the hole on the second valve. I turned it once...then twice and then...my world was turned upside down. (it was really just me that was upside down) My vision was gone, engulf in a fog like vapor. My hearing...there was a loud crash and then a high pitch whine and nothing else. Next thing I know I was air born and spinning like a Hamster wheel. I landed on my back and bounce/rolled till I opened my eyes...I was fifteen feet away from where I had been crouching. The burst valve and my tool had both half covered them selves in the dirt when I found them. Some where in between there the old man who lived there found time to walk all the way from the front of his property to the back of the house to help me up. I am not sure how fast he moved, but something tells me he could have stopped to hard boiled an egg on his way and I would have never known the difference.
That is what I call my Almost Near Death Experience. Or as you might recall my Near Life Experience.
Now that you know what a NLE is, leave a comment with your NLE. If you do not have one tell about your ANLE, or AANLE............
Robert L.
P.S. Yes this is a joke do not leave nasty comments about poor math logic and dumb talk.
So then what is NLE? And what are the ways that it has been defined. Here are what a few popular sources had to say on NLE.
1. The GBPT (The Grannies Book of Proper Terms.) A NLE is when someone almost plays that board game where you get married and have kids get jobs and can go to college.
2.From the TBFA. (Terrorist Book of Failed Attempts.) A NALE (a near AFTER life experience) is when you forget to put the detonator on your bomb. Resulting in a NALE and ESAG (Extended Stay At Getmoe*.) (Note: No clue if I spelled that "*" right. I only hope you know what I am talking about.)
3. This one is taken from Pg. 10,347 in the WDPFM (Women's Derogatory Phrases For Men.) "A Near Life Experience occurs when he almost turns off the X-box."
How do I define it you ask? Oh...You did not ask? Well I will tell you anyway. Remember that little spill about NDE? Well bear that in mind for what I am about to tell you.
Have you ever heard it said "To really live you must almost die." The same concept is push forward in a song that goes "Some day I wise you get the chance, to live like you were dieing." Don't ask who wrote it I do not know. It is a country song I think. (where was I...)
Yes, to almost die you must really li...sigh...to really live you must almost die. It is a famous saying so just pretend you know it. So lets go to the old math board shall we...
If this is true that almost dieing produces really living.
AD makes RL
Then we can take our next step. Now let say that AD is equal to a NDE. So...
NDE makes RL.
So now let's add in a "Factor". What if you add a Almost to NDE. That would change things to...
ANDE makes ARL. We can now say that Almost Really Live is equal to Near Life. We can change it to that with out losing context...I think. So...
ANDE makes a NLE. That's Almost Near Death Experience will cause a Near Life Experience.
What do you mean this does not make any sense? Oh...you did not say that either...But you thought it! It will make sense when I apply it to a real word situation. Enter... (bet you did not see this one coming)
So it was a hot summer day...(what other type is there around here) it was a normal summer day for south Texas and I had received a text dispatch from my boss early that morning. "Service Call CR 57, A/C not cooling." Well County Road 57 was right down the street so I went over there right away. Upon getting there I went to work. This was easy to figure out what the problem was. The unit was pulling a zero degrees supper heat. Dirty coil, yes sir. In fact I noted that the condenser coil was dirty to. I sold the job there on the spot and went right to work. After cleaning both coils ( I will not go into what all that Intel's, if you want to know ask me in the comments) I prepared to recharge the system. I opened the first valve. The hiss of the trapped freon racing into the vacuum in the lines met my ears letting me now that very thing was working right so far. I inserted my yellow jacket refrigeration ratchet into the hole on the second valve. I turned it once...then twice and then...my world was turned upside down. (it was really just me that was upside down) My vision was gone, engulf in a fog like vapor. My hearing...there was a loud crash and then a high pitch whine and nothing else. Next thing I know I was air born and spinning like a Hamster wheel. I landed on my back and bounce/rolled till I opened my eyes...I was fifteen feet away from where I had been crouching. The burst valve and my tool had both half covered them selves in the dirt when I found them. Some where in between there the old man who lived there found time to walk all the way from the front of his property to the back of the house to help me up. I am not sure how fast he moved, but something tells me he could have stopped to hard boiled an egg on his way and I would have never known the difference.
That is what I call my Almost Near Death Experience. Or as you might recall my Near Life Experience.
Now that you know what a NLE is, leave a comment with your NLE. If you do not have one tell about your ANLE, or AANLE............
Robert L.
P.S. Yes this is a joke do not leave nasty comments about poor math logic and dumb talk.
Monday, July 13, 2009
In V.A.
Once we arrived in V.A. the fun never stopped. The first day was spent in greeting old friend. One year had changed many of them. Fortunately it was only outward changes, and everyone was the same friend that we had parted with just a year earlier.
The lectures were as they always have been very good. The themes of which as many of you know was on John Calvin, the theologian. Chris Strevel was given the opportunity to speak the most, which was fine by me. Out of all the pastors in the RPCUS, he is one of the few that I am unfamiliar with and was happy for the opportunity to change that.
The Second day came and with it so did the games. Early that morning I downed five opponents in ping-pong as I started my quest for my sixth straight ping-pong title. After that Ultimate Frisbee was started. My friend William G. Anderson introduced me to Stewart Orr right before we got started. I soon realized that he was a valuable teammate as well as friend. I cannot remember how the first game went as far as the details go, I do know that Stewart and I dominated enough that we were selected for team captains in the second game. I won the toss and got to pick first, which started the end. With some great D from my teammates and some lapses in coverage by Stewart's team, we rolled over them with a 5-1 win. The third game I appointed the two oldest of the group to be team captain's in hope that Stewart and I would be on the same team again. No such luck. We were the first two picked. This time however Stewart and his team blasted me and mine 4-1 as we called the game due to the large deficit the one team faced and the lack of energy left in the players. Sometime between the first and last full day there was one game played that took the top for most well fought game that year. I was late to join, and was disappointed again when I found that I was being put on the losing team. Not that I minded the fact that they were losing, it was that again Stewart was on the other team. Which was why my team was losing. However things were made better by the fact that William Anderson was on my team, which had just given up a third point with out scoring one. The tide turned when another person joined (I do not remember his name) he was fresh and in his place we traded on of the other players who had been playing for awhile to the winning team. With two new fresh players on our team we turned things around. We answered their three point with two of our own before Andrew connected with Stewart for a 4-2 lead. However my team found a second wind and for what seemed thirty minutes of hard playing by both teams, my team put up two more points. We were all knotted up at four. At last it seemed like the marathon game had ended on a little flare thrown to the corner of the end zone by our team after a long drive had brought us with in feet of the goal. However the catch was made with one foot out of bounds. The longest game that I had ever played of Ultimate Frisbee would continue. Not long however, as the other team, now warn out from playing longer then I and a few of my teammates had, made a bad pass that was blocked only a quarter of the way down the field. Two passes later I found myself with the Frisbee and a small shot at hitting William near the end zone. There was one player that stood between us, and as hard as I tried to get a perfect pass off I failed and air mailed the Frisbee. However it could not have worked better. The Frisbee tipped a branch and change from what was a air mail throw while it was over the covering man, to a perfect strike to William. And between him and the lone man in the end zone...no one. An easy toss made us the come from behind winners.
Finally on the last full day Stewart and were on the same team again, for the first time since we had started that first game. And we gave everyone enough reason not to want to let us be on the same team again. 5-0, a complete shout out. However in an attempt to balance the teams, they traded both of us to the team that had just been blasted 5-0. I was surprised but happy. The good news was William was on that team. So for the first time the three of us were going to be on the same team. The bad news was Stewart had to leave for singing practice. The three of us never were on the same team. That last game started out bad. Within three minutes the score was 3-0, we were losing. It seemed as though Stewart and I maybe were to the reason for the 5-0 win in the last game. Ten minutes later however, a whole nother story as we were set dead even at 3-3. We were forced to tie it up again at 4-4 and end the game with an amazing one handed catch from a throw that had started half way back across the field. 5-4 was the final as my team pulled out another come from behind win. After that last game I found Stewart and told him he had mist a great game. He said, "I know, I have been told that. More then once already." Word traveled faster then I had thought...
The Dancing was fun as always, I learned one new dance that I like very well...I will for go the trouble of trying to explain it. Maybe one day one of my sisters will post a video of it, and I will post a link to their sites. Besides that there is not much to say about dancing, it is not like sports where you can go on and on about things my reader(s) (I know at least one person reads the whole thing.) care little about. So that when I get to the dancing I am out of things to say...What a let down I am sure. But what more needs be said then it was fun.
One last note. And yes it has to do with sports. Congrats to Isac Johnson, for holding a lead on me late into a ping-pong game. And then after falling behind at the end, coming back and knotting it up at 20-20. However he fell short 22-20. I went 11-0 in ping-pong this year and took home my sixth ping-pong championship title, and third title without a loss.
Players lost too in V.A. and the win to loss ratio that for those years against those players.
1st year, Pastor Johnson. 2-1 record overall.
2nd year, Mr.Candler. 3-3 record overall. (note: I have beaten Mr.candler all seven times I have played him since.)
4th year, Tommy. 2-1 record overall.
Robert L.
The lectures were as they always have been very good. The themes of which as many of you know was on John Calvin, the theologian. Chris Strevel was given the opportunity to speak the most, which was fine by me. Out of all the pastors in the RPCUS, he is one of the few that I am unfamiliar with and was happy for the opportunity to change that.
The Second day came and with it so did the games. Early that morning I downed five opponents in ping-pong as I started my quest for my sixth straight ping-pong title. After that Ultimate Frisbee was started. My friend William G. Anderson introduced me to Stewart Orr right before we got started. I soon realized that he was a valuable teammate as well as friend. I cannot remember how the first game went as far as the details go, I do know that Stewart and I dominated enough that we were selected for team captains in the second game. I won the toss and got to pick first, which started the end. With some great D from my teammates and some lapses in coverage by Stewart's team, we rolled over them with a 5-1 win. The third game I appointed the two oldest of the group to be team captain's in hope that Stewart and I would be on the same team again. No such luck. We were the first two picked. This time however Stewart and his team blasted me and mine 4-1 as we called the game due to the large deficit the one team faced and the lack of energy left in the players. Sometime between the first and last full day there was one game played that took the top for most well fought game that year. I was late to join, and was disappointed again when I found that I was being put on the losing team. Not that I minded the fact that they were losing, it was that again Stewart was on the other team. Which was why my team was losing. However things were made better by the fact that William Anderson was on my team, which had just given up a third point with out scoring one. The tide turned when another person joined (I do not remember his name) he was fresh and in his place we traded on of the other players who had been playing for awhile to the winning team. With two new fresh players on our team we turned things around. We answered their three point with two of our own before Andrew connected with Stewart for a 4-2 lead. However my team found a second wind and for what seemed thirty minutes of hard playing by both teams, my team put up two more points. We were all knotted up at four. At last it seemed like the marathon game had ended on a little flare thrown to the corner of the end zone by our team after a long drive had brought us with in feet of the goal. However the catch was made with one foot out of bounds. The longest game that I had ever played of Ultimate Frisbee would continue. Not long however, as the other team, now warn out from playing longer then I and a few of my teammates had, made a bad pass that was blocked only a quarter of the way down the field. Two passes later I found myself with the Frisbee and a small shot at hitting William near the end zone. There was one player that stood between us, and as hard as I tried to get a perfect pass off I failed and air mailed the Frisbee. However it could not have worked better. The Frisbee tipped a branch and change from what was a air mail throw while it was over the covering man, to a perfect strike to William. And between him and the lone man in the end zone...no one. An easy toss made us the come from behind winners.
Finally on the last full day Stewart and were on the same team again, for the first time since we had started that first game. And we gave everyone enough reason not to want to let us be on the same team again. 5-0, a complete shout out. However in an attempt to balance the teams, they traded both of us to the team that had just been blasted 5-0. I was surprised but happy. The good news was William was on that team. So for the first time the three of us were going to be on the same team. The bad news was Stewart had to leave for singing practice. The three of us never were on the same team. That last game started out bad. Within three minutes the score was 3-0, we were losing. It seemed as though Stewart and I maybe were to the reason for the 5-0 win in the last game. Ten minutes later however, a whole nother story as we were set dead even at 3-3. We were forced to tie it up again at 4-4 and end the game with an amazing one handed catch from a throw that had started half way back across the field. 5-4 was the final as my team pulled out another come from behind win. After that last game I found Stewart and told him he had mist a great game. He said, "I know, I have been told that. More then once already." Word traveled faster then I had thought...
The Dancing was fun as always, I learned one new dance that I like very well...I will for go the trouble of trying to explain it. Maybe one day one of my sisters will post a video of it, and I will post a link to their sites. Besides that there is not much to say about dancing, it is not like sports where you can go on and on about things my reader(s) (I know at least one person reads the whole thing.) care little about. So that when I get to the dancing I am out of things to say...What a let down I am sure. But what more needs be said then it was fun.
One last note. And yes it has to do with sports. Congrats to Isac Johnson, for holding a lead on me late into a ping-pong game. And then after falling behind at the end, coming back and knotting it up at 20-20. However he fell short 22-20. I went 11-0 in ping-pong this year and took home my sixth ping-pong championship title, and third title without a loss.
Players lost too in V.A. and the win to loss ratio that for those years against those players.
1st year, Pastor Johnson. 2-1 record overall.
2nd year, Mr.Candler. 3-3 record overall. (note: I have beaten Mr.candler all seven times I have played him since.)
4th year, Tommy. 2-1 record overall.
Robert L.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Travels to a far off land.
As most of y'all know me and my family, minus my brother and mother, traveled to V.A. about a week ago. It is a trip that has been made by members of our family for the past several years, since 2004 to be precise. But to start this story I will have to take you a year further back, to the 2008 trip. That time it was my two sisters and my brother who made the trip. My brother was still driving the first leg of our journey when the car started acting up. A sort of sputtering and choking fill to the way it was running. We made it all the way up to Houston before it broke down. This was the first time that we had ever broken down (in my memory, so the time when I was one does not count) on a trip. Triple A came to the rescue within ten minutes, however the toe truck could only hold one other person. So Calvin (my brother) went with the man driving the truck as me and my sisters headed for the closest donuts shop. In Gods mercy the mechanic shop was only a block from where we broke down. So Calvin walked back to where we were and took us to the shop where we began our first wait. Again mercy was shown to us, as the men who worked on the car stayed late to get us on the road again.
Late that night I was driving, as we were pushing hard to make up lost time. Around 11:45 or so I looked down and my thermometer. It was hovering right above the little red line on the wrong side of the meter. After an hour of driving with the heater turned on to full blast and the windows down trying to cool the engine down, we finally made it to a hotel. Next morning we found a mechanic shop and tried checking our selves in. But they were booked. That story repeated two or three times before we found one. But even then they were booked as well. However the owner of the shop felt so bad for the sorry lot of Texans that had just walked into his shop, that he did something unexpected. He came out of his two year retirement from being a mechanic and fixed our car himself. He got us back on the road after only two hours, for which we were and still are grateful. The first time we broke down it turned out to be the fuel pump that had gone bad. The second and final time was the thermostat in the radiator that had went out. It was 1:30 am when I pulled that car into the parking lot at Bluefield Collage for the family conference. We had mist the first night of it.
One year later and two week ago. We were about an hour and a half from home when the van started filling with the smell of gasoline. Upon getting out and inspecting the damage I found that we were leaking gas very bad. My father turned us around and we headed back south for about twenty minutes before reaching a gas station where we tried to find a mechanic who could fix the problem. Only thing was, I had to work earlier that day so we left home at 5:30 P.M. which of course means that all the shops are closed. however we were saved yet again. We got a hold of a mechanic on wheels and gave him directions on how to find us. He soon found the problem after he arrived and with the right tools fix us up and had on the road after only a hour or so lost. Skipping forward. When we left Tazwell V.A. and started home the last thing on our minds was worrying about having car trouble. I mean we already had on breakdown this trip, and two last year...but that is what we ended up doing from V.A. to T.X. after we left, the sound of small part of tire hitting the undercarriage of our van motivated us to pull over. Again I inspected and found that the driver side rear tire had started to came undone. However we pushed on. From state to state, we moved closer to home and the hope that the tire would hold became more and more of a reality. However we never found out. The passenger side rear tire blowout before the driver side. No problem...all we had to do was replace it with the spare tire. Big problem...one of the nuts was striped. Try as we would nothing work in getting it off. Triple A said it would take them an hour and forty five minutes to get to us. So we found a cow pasture and sat down under some trees and waited for our rescue. It came...an hour and thirty minutes early. Not Triple A but a man who had a socket set. He found a socket that almost fit and with the help of a hammer we had, he went to work. It ended up reshaping the nut down to the size of the socket. Again, for the fourth time in two years we were saved, by the kindness of complete strangers. We fixed the other tire at the next town.
Another post will follow highlighting the time that was spent at the Family Conference. featuring new and old friends, good fellowship, fun dancing, and some of the best competition in sports.
Robert L.
Late that night I was driving, as we were pushing hard to make up lost time. Around 11:45 or so I looked down and my thermometer. It was hovering right above the little red line on the wrong side of the meter. After an hour of driving with the heater turned on to full blast and the windows down trying to cool the engine down, we finally made it to a hotel. Next morning we found a mechanic shop and tried checking our selves in. But they were booked. That story repeated two or three times before we found one. But even then they were booked as well. However the owner of the shop felt so bad for the sorry lot of Texans that had just walked into his shop, that he did something unexpected. He came out of his two year retirement from being a mechanic and fixed our car himself. He got us back on the road after only two hours, for which we were and still are grateful. The first time we broke down it turned out to be the fuel pump that had gone bad. The second and final time was the thermostat in the radiator that had went out. It was 1:30 am when I pulled that car into the parking lot at Bluefield Collage for the family conference. We had mist the first night of it.
One year later and two week ago. We were about an hour and a half from home when the van started filling with the smell of gasoline. Upon getting out and inspecting the damage I found that we were leaking gas very bad. My father turned us around and we headed back south for about twenty minutes before reaching a gas station where we tried to find a mechanic who could fix the problem. Only thing was, I had to work earlier that day so we left home at 5:30 P.M. which of course means that all the shops are closed. however we were saved yet again. We got a hold of a mechanic on wheels and gave him directions on how to find us. He soon found the problem after he arrived and with the right tools fix us up and had on the road after only a hour or so lost. Skipping forward. When we left Tazwell V.A. and started home the last thing on our minds was worrying about having car trouble. I mean we already had on breakdown this trip, and two last year...but that is what we ended up doing from V.A. to T.X. after we left, the sound of small part of tire hitting the undercarriage of our van motivated us to pull over. Again I inspected and found that the driver side rear tire had started to came undone. However we pushed on. From state to state, we moved closer to home and the hope that the tire would hold became more and more of a reality. However we never found out. The passenger side rear tire blowout before the driver side. No problem...all we had to do was replace it with the spare tire. Big problem...one of the nuts was striped. Try as we would nothing work in getting it off. Triple A said it would take them an hour and forty five minutes to get to us. So we found a cow pasture and sat down under some trees and waited for our rescue. It came...an hour and thirty minutes early. Not Triple A but a man who had a socket set. He found a socket that almost fit and with the help of a hammer we had, he went to work. It ended up reshaping the nut down to the size of the socket. Again, for the fourth time in two years we were saved, by the kindness of complete strangers. We fixed the other tire at the next town.
Another post will follow highlighting the time that was spent at the Family Conference. featuring new and old friends, good fellowship, fun dancing, and some of the best competition in sports.
Robert L.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Not much has happened as of late. Thus the long time between my post. And even now not much has happened. Work has been steady, it is heating up down here (which means 95-100 degrees, anything less is not all that hot) but that only means work will be getting more busy. The Houston Astros have been standing firm. Not letting them selves get in a large hole early this season that would make their yearly comeback at the end of the season a hard task. Last Thursday we played Halo with the East again. This time Mr.East and Calvin joined in. The first game was played minus Rebecca though. So we divided the teams up as best as we could. Mr.East, Calvin and Jay on team red. For my team mates I got Daniel and Savannah. The map we played was Cold Storage. At first things seemed to be going even as we where tied at 10. However halfway through the teens it was apparent that the red team was slowly building a lead. However things turned. By the time blue team was closing in on the 50 point mark we had built a 9 point lead. I though it was going to be easy to finish off the reds. However before the final five points could be scored by the blues, the reds turned things around again and tied us up at 48. I had just fallen to give them their 48th point. While I was waiting for my timer to count down for my respawn so I could get back into the fight, the game was showing me the moves of one of my teammates (Savannah). During which time I wittiness her kill and get killed by Jay. 49 to 49. The next team to score would win. I respawned and moved out for the kill. However on my radar I saw two red dots appear close to me. I desperately looked around for them expecting them to be around any corner. I soon realized that they where both a level above me. Without going into to much strategy I will just say I was in a bad spot. However, else where on the map while I played cat and mouse with the two foes that could pounce down on me and anytime, my teammate, Daniel engaged and killed the remaining foe that was not on my radar. 50 to 49 final. We play five or six other games, two infections (of which I won one, a first) a Juggernaut which was really called nijanaught. And then we played two or three more team slayers. Of which the blue team won all but the last one. (When Rebecca joined she was placed on the red team for all the other games.)
We also took a trip to Dallas last week. Just me and my three siblings. But besides that not much else has gone down around here.
Robert L.
We also took a trip to Dallas last week. Just me and my three siblings. But besides that not much else has gone down around here.
Robert L.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The other day I played Halo 3 over X-box live with some good friends of ours the East. I had been anticipating playing with them for the past couple of days ever since we had started planning the match. My littlest sister joined me on my side, and on the East side Jay, Savannah and Daniel set up shop. The first game we played was a team slayer, with Rebecca (my littlest sister) and I on a team against the East. Much to my surprise we won the first game. Jay then won an infection match we played, we then changed up the teams for a team slayer match again. This time Daniel and I won against Jay and the girls. Jay won another infection match easily. I then won a Juggernaut round by the skin of my teeth as jay was only a few shy of winning him self. Again Jay dominated in an infection game. Finally we added a twist to the Team Slayer. Jay and I were on a team against the younger three...the catch was we could only use pistols, the other could use any gun they chose. Needless to say it took a long time...but in the end Jay and came out on top.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Ping-Pong moved to 21st.
The ping-pong match that I spoke of in my last post has been moved to Tue. of this week. I will post the results of the matches, and give a "short" run down of each game.
Nothing else of interest as of late to report on the blog. Baseball is now in finishing it's second week, with little to report on that side. With such a long season the games right now do not mean a lot to most people. So I will try to avoid mentioning it on the blog for as long as I can.
Robert L.
Nothing else of interest as of late to report on the blog. Baseball is now in finishing it's second week, with little to report on that side. With such a long season the games right now do not mean a lot to most people. So I will try to avoid mentioning it on the blog for as long as I can.
Robert L.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Call to paddles!
This week the "Table of Pain" will heat up as Pastor Otis and I take on a father-son team that Pastor Otis meet while playing tennis. Pastor Otis invited them over to the church to play ping-pong and then deiced to call me in so we can play doubles. The scouting reports on the father and son are not what I would call complete, but they are clear. These guys are good. That is all that I was told by Pastor Otis. In preparation for the showdown if dusted off the table at my house and played with my brother this evening. Right now it looks as though the match will take place on Friday. Hopefully this will spur us on to start playing tournaments again...anyway I just thought I would post about something other then baseball for once this month.
Robert L.
Robert L.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This date in baseball History. 2
1965 | In the opening ceremonies of the Astrodome, 24 astronauts threw 24 ceremonial first pitches as the Colt 45's become the Houston Astros and begin playing 'Eighth Wonder of the World'. Mickey Mantle hits the first indoor homer ever in an exhibition game with the Astros hosting the Yankees. President Lyndon Johnson was supposed to throw out the first pitch but arrived late. |
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
This date in baseball History.
At the Astrodome, the Astros and Dodgers play baseball's first game on synthetic grass. Thanks to the Monsanto chemical company, who proposed using an experimental playing surface of nylon grass, the plan to play on an all-dirt field, necessitated by the need to paint the dome's glass panes to reduce the glare which prevented natural grass from growing, was alleviated by the use of 'Astro Turf'. Find out more at this link.
Monday, April 6, 2009
And Now...The Moment we've all Been Waiting for!!!
Opening Day!
Granted, the Braves and the defending Champion Phillies played last night, with the Braves downing the Phillies 4-1. But for the Houston Astros and me...Baseball starts tonight. Cubs at Astros, Zambrano vs. Oswalt, Jeremy against Robert. It is all here...the makings of a good season, with only twenty-nine teams standing between that good season and another so-so season. We have 162 games to go before the eight best* teams face off for a chance to be called "World Chamions". Stay tuned for the outcome...and get off the edge of your seat, its bad for the chair.
Robert L.
Granted, the Braves and the defending Champion Phillies played last night, with the Braves downing the Phillies 4-1. But for the Houston Astros and me...Baseball starts tonight. Cubs at Astros, Zambrano vs. Oswalt, Jeremy against Robert. It is all here...the makings of a good season, with only twenty-nine teams standing between that good season and another so-so season. We have 162 games to go before the eight best* teams face off for a chance to be called "World Chamions". Stay tuned for the outcome...and get off the edge of your seat, its bad for the chair.
Robert L.
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Fire up the crowd! Here comes the Astros..."
Last night me and my two sisters along with a friend from our church went to Whataburger field, home of the Corpus Christi Hooks, to see them host their major league affiliate, the Houston Astros. This was a spring training game so it did not mean any thing as far as standings go.
The Astros flew in all the way from Florida to play the Hooks, for just one game. And what was great was that they all came. Even the starting pitchers and relief pitchers that would not pitch in the game came with the club. The Astros scored first on a wild pitch, and added another run the next inning. By the fifth inning the Astros started bringing in their second string. And after the sixth they took out the starting pitcher. And as fate would have it the Astros had three non-major league pitchers scheduled to pitch in relief that night some of them being former Hooks players. The first one came in and gave up a two run shot to start the inning, which tied the game. He then proceeded to give up another run to make the score 3-2. The Astros' hitter showed off their major league ability when they pulled off two hit and runs in the next inning and put up a three spot to go back on top by two. Then they brought in the other minor league pitcher. He did the best out of the three relief pitchers the Astros trotted out, he only gave up a solo shot. He had to get a double play with the bases loaded to get out of the inning however. The Astors sent out the third and final pitcher for the botten of the ninth. Two batters later and we had a walk-off on our hands.
Robert L.
P.S. Hope any none Baseball people or baseball haters where able to understand that...In fact I hope even you baseball followers understood that.
The Astros flew in all the way from Florida to play the Hooks, for just one game. And what was great was that they all came. Even the starting pitchers and relief pitchers that would not pitch in the game came with the club. The Astros scored first on a wild pitch, and added another run the next inning. By the fifth inning the Astros started bringing in their second string. And after the sixth they took out the starting pitcher. And as fate would have it the Astros had three non-major league pitchers scheduled to pitch in relief that night some of them being former Hooks players. The first one came in and gave up a two run shot to start the inning, which tied the game. He then proceeded to give up another run to make the score 3-2. The Astros' hitter showed off their major league ability when they pulled off two hit and runs in the next inning and put up a three spot to go back on top by two. Then they brought in the other minor league pitcher. He did the best out of the three relief pitchers the Astros trotted out, he only gave up a solo shot. He had to get a double play with the bases loaded to get out of the inning however. The Astors sent out the third and final pitcher for the botten of the ninth. Two batters later and we had a walk-off on our hands.
Robert L.
P.S. Hope any none Baseball people or baseball haters where able to understand that...In fact I hope even you baseball followers understood that.
Monday, March 23, 2009
An unclassic finesh.
The Calvary never rode in. Team U.S.A. had their Classic run end last night when they fell in a single elimination game to Japan. Hard fought all the way through the classic they were one of three teams that were left standing when they lost to the defending champions. The next Classic will be held in four years...I am already looking forward to it.
On a further note Japan will match up against Korea in the finals. Which brings me to the quote of the year. "The two greatest rivalries in the World Baseball Classic are, the Japan vs Korea rivalry and the U.S.A. vs the World rivalry."
Robert L.
On a further note Japan will match up against Korea in the finals. Which brings me to the quote of the year. "The two greatest rivalries in the World Baseball Classic are, the Japan vs Korea rivalry and the U.S.A. vs the World rivalry."
Robert L.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Blast From the Past.
Three years ago I sat out in my father's home office, watching the computer screen. On was the game-day feed from MLB.com of the U.S.A. vs Mexico game in the World Baseball Classic. Roger Clemens had pitched in that game for the U.S.A. and had only given up two runs. Problem was the U.S.A. batters had only managed one run. However the U.S.A. were coming back it seemed. The ninth inning had come, Johnny Damon was on first base, and Vernon Wells was at the plate. I think we had a runner on third or second, or maybe we had just lost a runner in a fielders choice. I cannot recall but it looked like things may have been coming together for us. When the animated pitch on the screen finished in the strike zone as a blue dot meaning that the ball had been put in play, my heat beat doubled. I waited for the computer to update and tell me what the result of the ball being put in play was. Finally the words "In-play out(s) recorded" came up. That meant we would be down to one out, the U.S.A. had just one more chance to come back and beat Mexico to advance, and by doing so bump the soon to be Classic Champions Japan out of the World Baseball Classic. But then words appeared on my screen as a further update. "V. Wells grounds to second baseman (someone) to shortstop (someone) J. Damon out, to first basemen (someone) V. Wells out. Doubleplay. The U.S.A. would not have another chance. It was over, we were out.
Three years later.
I sat out in my father's home office, watching the computer screen. On was the game-day feed from MLB.com of the U.S.A. vs Porto Rico game in the World Baseball Classic. Ted Lilly had pitched for the U.S.A. that night, and given up three runs. The team from Porto Rico had added two more runs one of which had just been put up against Johnathan Broxton in the top of the ninth. That run was big for the Porto Rico team seeing as the U.S.A. had only pushed three runs across all game. Now Porto Rico had a two run lead. Again we were in the bottom of the ninth. Derrek Jeter had just flied out to the right fielder and the runner from second advanced. This was it, I had been here three year ago. A ground ball could end the game, and the U.S.A. would go home again with a loss. Every second seemed like a minute. J. Jollins would walk. Minutes seemed like hours. K. Yukalis would have to face a new relief pitcher as Fernando Cabrera. Fernando Cabrera found his command lacking however against the batter he was brought in to face. K. Yukalis was walk which forced in a run the score to 5-4. And David Wright came to the plate. Know what had happened three years earlier. What was going to happen this time. A homerun like Joe Carter? A single like Luis Gonzalez? A error like Bill Buckner? Or a doubleplay...like Vernon Wells? Wright's at bat. (Commercial may proceed clip.)
Three years later.
I sat out in my father's home office, watching the computer screen. On was the game-day feed from MLB.com of the U.S.A. vs Porto Rico game in the World Baseball Classic. Ted Lilly had pitched for the U.S.A. that night, and given up three runs. The team from Porto Rico had added two more runs one of which had just been put up against Johnathan Broxton in the top of the ninth. That run was big for the Porto Rico team seeing as the U.S.A. had only pushed three runs across all game. Now Porto Rico had a two run lead. Again we were in the bottom of the ninth. Derrek Jeter had just flied out to the right fielder and the runner from second advanced. This was it, I had been here three year ago. A ground ball could end the game, and the U.S.A. would go home again with a loss. Every second seemed like a minute. J. Jollins would walk. Minutes seemed like hours. K. Yukalis would have to face a new relief pitcher as Fernando Cabrera. Fernando Cabrera found his command lacking however against the batter he was brought in to face. K. Yukalis was walk which forced in a run the score to 5-4. And David Wright came to the plate. Know what had happened three years earlier. What was going to happen this time. A homerun like Joe Carter? A single like Luis Gonzalez? A error like Bill Buckner? Or a doubleplay...like Vernon Wells? Wright's at bat. (Commercial may proceed clip.)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The World Baseball Classic.
Pool A. Korea won Pool A with a 3-1 record after they beat rival Japan 1-0 in the final game of the round, Japan also advanced with a 2-1 record. China and Chinese Taipei were eliminated with 1-2 and 0-2 records.
Pool B. Cuba won Pool B with a 3-0 record. The runner up was Mexico with a 2-2 record. (Mexico was in three mercy-rule games with a 1-2 record in those games.) Australia and Republic of South Africa were eliminated with 1-2 and 0-2 records.
Pool C. Venezuela won Pool C after beating Team U.S.A. 5-3 in the final game of the pool, after both teams had already advanced. Venezuela had a 3-1 record with a mercy-rule lose to the U.S.A. who had beat them in the second game of the pool. Team U.S.A. advanced with a 2-1 record. Canada and Italy were eliminated with 0-2 and 1-2 records.
Pool D. Porto Rico won Pool D with a 3-0 record. The Netherlands were the Runner-up with a 2-2 record. (The Netherlands two wins both came in huge upsets over the Dominican Republic.) Dominican Republic and Panama were eliminated with 1-2 and 0-2 records.
Robert L.
Pool B. Cuba won Pool B with a 3-0 record. The runner up was Mexico with a 2-2 record. (Mexico was in three mercy-rule games with a 1-2 record in those games.) Australia and Republic of South Africa were eliminated with 1-2 and 0-2 records.
Pool C. Venezuela won Pool C after beating Team U.S.A. 5-3 in the final game of the pool, after both teams had already advanced. Venezuela had a 3-1 record with a mercy-rule lose to the U.S.A. who had beat them in the second game of the pool. Team U.S.A. advanced with a 2-1 record. Canada and Italy were eliminated with 0-2 and 1-2 records.
Pool D. Porto Rico won Pool D with a 3-0 record. The Netherlands were the Runner-up with a 2-2 record. (The Netherlands two wins both came in huge upsets over the Dominican Republic.) Dominican Republic and Panama were eliminated with 1-2 and 0-2 records.
Robert L.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Double Dutch!
Two post ago I said something that I would like to retract. I said that the Netherlands beating the Dominican Republic, 3-2 in the first game they played was most likely the biggest upset of the Classic. Last night I was proved wrong. That game was only half of the upset. The same two teams played each other again, and the result was even more fantastic then the first one. The Netherlands, a team that has hardly any MLB players on it, if any at all. Against a team that has a former A.L. MVP, a cleanup hitter from a team that has won two World Series from 2004-2007, two of the fastest players at the top of their order, and many, many more stars. And for 11 inning the two teams that are so far separated in "talent" remained scoreless. That ended how every when in the top of the 11th, Jose Reyes, (Mets) scored from first when an error was committed by the Netherlands. This put the Dominican Republic up 1-0, and only needing three outs to avenge them selves on the Netherlands (The Dutch). However the Dutch found a way to get men on base. And the rest would fall in place for them. An RBI single brought in the run the tied the game, at 1-1. And with two outs in the 11th and the Dominicans only needing one more out to go to the 12th where they would have a chance to go up on the Dutch again, but an error by the first basemen after a failed pick off attempted that went wide and move the winning run 90 feet away from home, bought the Dutch another upset of the Dominican team. Watch the Comeback!
Monday, March 9, 2009
We move on.
Team U.S.A. will advance to the second round. After pounding the stuffing out of Venezuela 15-6 in a mercy-rule shorten game. The U.S.A. will now wait to either play Venezuela again, or the winner of the Italy vs Canada game. (Right now Italy is up 3-0 in the 4th)
Other news would be that our rivals to the south, the Mexican team got pounded by the boy down under. The Australians surprised the team from Mexico early and late. In the first World Baseball Classic, back in 2006, the Australians only scored four runs in the three games they played. This time they scored three run before making an out. This game also had the Mercy-rule invoked.
I will post the results of the first round of play after everything is in.
Robert L.
Other news would be that our rivals to the south, the Mexican team got pounded by the boy down under. The Australians surprised the team from Mexico early and late. In the first World Baseball Classic, back in 2006, the Australians only scored four runs in the three games they played. This time they scored three run before making an out. This game also had the Mercy-rule invoked.
I will post the results of the first round of play after everything is in.
Robert L.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
World Baseball Classic.
The World Baseball Classic started today for the U.S.A. as they played their first game of the tournament today. Already some of the other teams have played a few of their games. Of note, the Chinese Taipei team has been eliminated after losing their first two games. Japan has already clinched a second round spot after routing Korea, a team that had upset them twice in the first Classic played back in 2006. Earlier today the upset of the Classic may have taken place. The Netherlands, "The Dutch" beat the Dominican Republic 3-2. You can equate that to a AA team beating the Red Sox.
Then our team played. Though the Canadians scored first to take a 1-0 lead, and again to take another lead after we had tied it at 1-1. The U.S.A. would hit a solo homer in the fourth to tie again, and then McCann (Braves)would hit a two run shot later that inning to put the U.S.A. up for good. However Canada would push it to 4-3, and then again 6-5, after another two run homer had the U.S.A. up 6-3. The U.S.A. would end up dropping the Canadians into the loser bracket, where they will need to win their next two games to advance. Both teams are waiting to see who they will play, based on who wins the Italian, Venezuela game.
Robert L.
Find out more about the World Baseball Classic
Then our team played. Though the Canadians scored first to take a 1-0 lead, and again to take another lead after we had tied it at 1-1. The U.S.A. would hit a solo homer in the fourth to tie again, and then McCann (Braves)would hit a two run shot later that inning to put the U.S.A. up for good. However Canada would push it to 4-3, and then again 6-5, after another two run homer had the U.S.A. up 6-3. The U.S.A. would end up dropping the Canadians into the loser bracket, where they will need to win their next two games to advance. Both teams are waiting to see who they will play, based on who wins the Italian, Venezuela game.
Robert L.
Find out more about the World Baseball Classic
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The 7th...Just remember that date.
On the 7th day of this upcoming month there will be something for us as a nation to look forward to. The U.S.A. will be put to the test once more. And only a small group of men wearing our uniforms will stand between victory, or shameful defeat. That small band of men, will stand by them selves against the world. I ask only one thing from you! Support these men! Tell your friends, family and anyone else you may meet to support them. They are...Team U.S.A.
Watch Team U.S.A. play their first game on the 7th against our rivals to the north, the Canadians!
Watch the World Baseball Classic! Don't miss it!
"I live for this."
Robert L.
Watch Team U.S.A. play their first game on the 7th against our rivals to the north, the Canadians!
Watch the World Baseball Classic! Don't miss it!
"I live for this."
Robert L.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Spring Training Is starting!!!
It is finally here...The start of thirty some odd meaningless games before the real season starts. Do you know what that means? It means I won't miss one of them! That's right I listen to them all on the radio. Spring Training Is starting!!! Get ready world! Here comes Baseball!
Robert L.
P.S. Do not forget to cheer your countries team in the World Baseball Classic.
Robert L.
P.S. Do not forget to cheer your countries team in the World Baseball Classic.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Answer
Okay...I said I knew two of my readers should know the answer to the question I asked in the first comment one my post called "Rosters". Neither of them have seen the question I am guessing. So here is the answer for the rest of you who were waiting for it. (that would be no one) And for those of you who had forgotten about it, and are sick of my baseball post...(that would be everyone)...here it is anyway.
Click here
Joey Devine was the pitcher that gave up Chris Burke's homer in the bottom of the 18th inning, sending the Astros to the NLCS for the second stright year. Six games later they were in the World Series.
Click here
Joey Devine was the pitcher that gave up Chris Burke's homer in the bottom of the 18th inning, sending the Astros to the NLCS for the second stright year. Six games later they were in the World Series.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
The latest poll.
In the latest poll on my blog, I ask my readers to vote for their favorite tool. Much to my disappointment, my favorite tool did not receive the winning votes. Here are the final totals, and a picture of each tool.

The hammer came in first place with 50% of the votes. (4 of 8).
A hammer is used to drive nails into wood. However though this is it's most popular use it is also commonly used for demolition. It is said that if you use more then three strokes with this rugged tool while driving a nail, you are considered a rookie with the hammer.
Screwdriver came in second with 2 votes.
The screwdriver is often used for more then what it was meant for when it was first thought of. Besides the obvious driving of screws, it also is used as a small crowbar. This is a very common use for it now day, because we use drill to drive screws more often then not. Even if we can use a screwdriver.
Tap measure only got one vote.
The tap measure is a tool that cannot be lived with out. Or if it were you would not live very long. There is no end to it's use when it comes to making something straight and square.
DK1 only one person voted for my favorite tool. I would sit here and sing the praises of this kindred spirit of mine...if it were not for the fact that I was the one who voted for it.
The DK1, though not as slick or sharp as her sister the DK6S, she is still a very reliable and easy to use Duct Knife. This one pictured was my first DK and has sense been retired. It is also the only tool pictured here that is really mine. I could not bring my self to post pictures of my real hammer, screwdrivers, or tap measure, for the reason that they are just too ugly. After a year or two of being used, they have become...a little less then stealer.
Robert L.
The hammer came in first place with 50% of the votes. (4 of 8).
A hammer is used to drive nails into wood. However though this is it's most popular use it is also commonly used for demolition. It is said that if you use more then three strokes with this rugged tool while driving a nail, you are considered a rookie with the hammer.
Screwdriver came in second with 2 votes.
The screwdriver is often used for more then what it was meant for when it was first thought of. Besides the obvious driving of screws, it also is used as a small crowbar. This is a very common use for it now day, because we use drill to drive screws more often then not. Even if we can use a screwdriver.
Tap measure only got one vote.
The tap measure is a tool that cannot be lived with out. Or if it were you would not live very long. There is no end to it's use when it comes to making something straight and square.
The DK1, though not as slick or sharp as her sister the DK6S, she is still a very reliable and easy to use Duct Knife. This one pictured was my first DK and has sense been retired. It is also the only tool pictured here that is really mine. I could not bring my self to post pictures of my real hammer, screwdrivers, or tap measure, for the reason that they are just too ugly. After a year or two of being used, they have become...a little less then stealer.
Robert L.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Get ready to playball!

"True to his word, Padres pitcher Jake Peavy has agreed to play for Team USA in the World Baseball Classic in March." WBC.com
Joining Jon Lackey and very good friend Roy Oswalt in the rotation for team U.S.A is Jake Peavy. There was talk that Roy and Jake might play on the same team this season, as the Astros were interested in treading for him from the Padres. But the deal fell through, and now they will both settle with playing for their country. Roy, when he heard that his good friend Jake Peavy may be coming to the Astros, told his GM that he would be willing to re-work his contract if it would help bring in better players. But it was going to take more then a smaller salary to get Jake Peavy over to the Astros. The Padres wanted a lot in return for the ace and the Astros did not have what they wanted. So Padres held on to him. Last year Peavy bested Roy Owsalt in the season opener at PETCO Park, not only with his arm but with his bat. But for now they will be teammates, and savor every moment of it.
Jake Peavy pitch for team U.S.A in the 2006 World Baseball Classic. He made two starts for them, beating Mexico in the opener, and pitching the first part of the game against Japan, a game that the U.S.A. won in the bottom of the ninth.
Jon Lackey is not a stranger to playing against other nations teams. He was part of the All-Start squad that went to Japan to play their All-Stars, the year after the Japan team had won the first World Baseball Classic. The U.S. All-Stars beat the Japan All-Stars five Games to none.
Robert L.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Comment Promises.
I promised that I would post about the twelve things that can go wrong when putting up Christmas lights, after I had posted the twelve things that go wrong while getting your lights to work. But I never got around to it as things got busy. I guess I will save it for next Christmas season. I am sure no one is that disappointed. I made the last one kind of long and will try to make the second one shorter.
I had also said in a comment on my post "Of the Games" that I would make a post about some single ping pong matches that were played, in order to rectify a misrepresentation of a players skills due to the one bad night they were having on the table, of which night I made my post of. So the player informed me that they had not been filling well that night thus the reason they did not do so good. And so I said that this post would follow. So with out any further babbling here are the records that proves the player in question to be an able player.
The top four players the night of my post were Myself at 21, Johanna at 16 or 18 (she went in earlier then the rest of us), Calvin at 12 or something like that, and Sierra at 9. That was the problem. Sierra is known as the second best Texas Tornado player among us. So the fact that the only time I gave the finals in one of my post, was the only time she was not in second, might have been a tad unfair. But she made up for it in single play later. After I had played Mr.Candler I had Sierra play him. She had been teasing him every time made a mistake, say things like "Dad how could you do that!" and so on and so fourth. So I figured a little humbling would not hurt. Mr.Candler is the only person to have beaten me more then once while playing for the V.A. title at the Family Conference. We split the games 2-2, but I held a doubles tie breaker over him. I really wanted to play a fifth game but we never got around to it. Anyway, that was all history, and even though I have beaten him the last six of eight games we have played, I still think of him as the second best player that I have played against. So it came as a surprise when his daughter beat him. I then sent in Calvin to see what he could do against her. And for the first 15 points I thought the buck was going to have to stop with me. But with the score in her favor 9-6 and momentum clearly on her side things fell apart. Calvin hit one good slam. It rattled her enough that he picked up several more points. It was not till the score was 18-12 did she regain focus and start playing like she had for the last game and a half. But it was too late. Final there was 21-14. Then later that night, the highlight of her ping pong career took place! With midnight approaching she held a 11-9 lead over her closest competitor in Texas Tornado. In eight head to head matches she had won six of them against him, and with it she had tie breaker over him. But after he pulled within one there was only one thing left to do. Making it to the finals herself she faced off with the would be tier. She beat him regaining a two game lead over him. But over the next four rounds she failed to make a finals appearance, getting knocked out late in each round. The second place player did win however. Making it to the finals three times but only managing two wins out of it. That was enough to tie them at 12-12. everyone agreed that this would be the last round. All she had to do was win the round or have him not win it. She still held the tie breaker over him with head to head wins. One by one player dropped out of the last round. The final four, the last three and finally the finals them selves. The tie breaker meant nothing now, she had made it but so had he. The winner would take all. *battlefield music starts playing here* Just across from her stood the player that had been neck and neck with her all night. Now was the moment of truth. Now all the chips were on the table! This is what makes legends! The man and the moment were about to meet! And...she lost but it was close. *Music stops suddenly here with a trumpet striking a wrong note*
Robert L.
I had also said in a comment on my post "Of the Games" that I would make a post about some single ping pong matches that were played, in order to rectify a misrepresentation of a players skills due to the one bad night they were having on the table, of which night I made my post of. So the player informed me that they had not been filling well that night thus the reason they did not do so good. And so I said that this post would follow. So with out any further babbling here are the records that proves the player in question to be an able player.
The top four players the night of my post were Myself at 21, Johanna at 16 or 18 (she went in earlier then the rest of us), Calvin at 12 or something like that, and Sierra at 9. That was the problem. Sierra is known as the second best Texas Tornado player among us. So the fact that the only time I gave the finals in one of my post, was the only time she was not in second, might have been a tad unfair. But she made up for it in single play later. After I had played Mr.Candler I had Sierra play him. She had been teasing him every time made a mistake, say things like "Dad how could you do that!" and so on and so fourth. So I figured a little humbling would not hurt. Mr.Candler is the only person to have beaten me more then once while playing for the V.A. title at the Family Conference. We split the games 2-2, but I held a doubles tie breaker over him. I really wanted to play a fifth game but we never got around to it. Anyway, that was all history, and even though I have beaten him the last six of eight games we have played, I still think of him as the second best player that I have played against. So it came as a surprise when his daughter beat him. I then sent in Calvin to see what he could do against her. And for the first 15 points I thought the buck was going to have to stop with me. But with the score in her favor 9-6 and momentum clearly on her side things fell apart. Calvin hit one good slam. It rattled her enough that he picked up several more points. It was not till the score was 18-12 did she regain focus and start playing like she had for the last game and a half. But it was too late. Final there was 21-14. Then later that night, the highlight of her ping pong career took place! With midnight approaching she held a 11-9 lead over her closest competitor in Texas Tornado. In eight head to head matches she had won six of them against him, and with it she had tie breaker over him. But after he pulled within one there was only one thing left to do. Making it to the finals herself she faced off with the would be tier. She beat him regaining a two game lead over him. But over the next four rounds she failed to make a finals appearance, getting knocked out late in each round. The second place player did win however. Making it to the finals three times but only managing two wins out of it. That was enough to tie them at 12-12. everyone agreed that this would be the last round. All she had to do was win the round or have him not win it. She still held the tie breaker over him with head to head wins. One by one player dropped out of the last round. The final four, the last three and finally the finals them selves. The tie breaker meant nothing now, she had made it but so had he. The winner would take all. *battlefield music starts playing here* Just across from her stood the player that had been neck and neck with her all night. Now was the moment of truth. Now all the chips were on the table! This is what makes legends! The man and the moment were about to meet! And...she lost but it was close. *Music stops suddenly here with a trumpet striking a wrong note*
Robert L.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Are you ready?
We are looking for some revenge. It does not matter whether we were ready last year or not. We are the U.S.A. we win...and do not forgive. But we will forget. The World Baseball Classic that was played back in 2006 is forgotten. We are ready for this years match. No one will stand in our way. Here we come world! The U.S.A. is back!
Here are the highlights of '06.
Here are the highlights of '06.
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